A. Background
Globalization is a special phenomenon in human civilization that moves continuously in the global society and is part of the global human process. The presence of information technology and communication technology accelerates the acceleration of this globalization process. Globalization touches all the important aspects of life. Globalization creates new challenges and problems that must be answered, solved to take advantage of globalization for the benefit of life. Globalization certainly has an impact on the life of a country, including Indonesia. The impact of globalization includes positive and negative impacts in various fields of social, political, economic, and cultural life that will affect the spirit of realizing the values of nationalism. The spirit of nationalism is one of the main assets that must be owned by the Indonesian people in facing threats to national security, especially globalization.
Whether we realize it or not, nationalism has a great influence on the progress of a nation. Globalization is a term that is related to the increasing interdependence and interdependence between nations and people around the world through trade, investment, travel, and other forms of interaction so that national boundaries are biased. The word "globalization" is taken from the word global, which means universal. Globalization is a social process, or historical process, or a natural process that will bring all nations and countries in the world more and more bound to each other, to create a new order of life or unity by removing geographical, economic, and cultural boundaries of society. Therefore, we as students should be able to know what the impact of globalization is on the nationalism of the Indonesian nation.
B. Problem Formulation
C. Purpose and Benefits
1. Writing purpose
2. The benefits of writing
D. Writing Method
E. Systematics of Writing
A. Overview of Globalization
1. Definition of Globalization
Globalization is a term that is related to the increasing interdependence and interdependence between nations and people around the world through trade, investment, travel, popular culture, and other forms of interaction so that the boundaries of a country become increasingly narrow. Globalization is a process in which individuals, groups, and countries interact, depend, relate, and influence each other across national boundaries.
According to the origin of the word, the word "globalization" is taken from the word global, which means universal. Achmad Suparman stated that globalization is a process of making something (object or behavior) a characteristic of every individual in this world without being limited by the region. The following are some of the concepts of globalization according to experts:
a. Malcolm Waters, Globalization is a social process that results in geographical restrictions on socio-cultural conditions becoming less important, which are incarnated in people's consciousness.
b. Emanuel Richer, Globalization is a global network that simultaneously unites people who were previously dispersed and isolated into interdependence and world unity.
c. Thomas L. Friedman, Globalization is having ideological and technological dimensions. The technological dimension is capitalism and the free market, while the technological dimension is information technology that has united the world.
d. Princeton N. Lyman, Globalization is a very rapid growth of interdependence and relations between countries in the world in terms of trade and finance.
2. Globalization Process
The process of globalization was born from the development of science, transportation, and communication technology. Globalization will provide a new cultural style, have a broad impact on local cultural freedom and strengthen the domination of western culture in the culture of the society in developing countries through new colonialism, namely culture. However, we must prevent it because the nation's culture is the result of the legacy of our nation's ancestors which we must protect and preserve. One of the causes of the globalization era is the progress of science and technology, especially communication technology, such as print media technology and electronic media. 3 institutions play an important role in globalization, namely the Fund, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Basically, these 3 major institutions have the task of stabilizing the world economy. United Nations agencies are public institutions. This is important to remember because the money that the IMF provides comes from taxes from people around the world.
3. Impact of Globalization
The existence of globalization brings benefits to mankind but there are also bad effects. The impacts of globalization include:
a. Impact of Globalization in the Social and Cultural Fields
The more global the various cultural values of the capitalists in the world community. The spread of western dress styles in developing countries. The proliferation of film and music production in the form of CD/ VCD or DVD pieces. The positive impact of globalization in the social field is that the younger generation can obtain the means that enable them to obtain information and relate more efficiently with a wider range. The negative impact is that the younger generation who are not ready for information with low resources will only imitate things that are not good such as forms of violence, brawls, painting on walls, and others. The existence of sophisticated facilities makes a person reluctant to connect with other people so that the sense of togetherness is much reduced.
b. The Impact of Globalization on the Economy
The positive impact of globalization in the economic field is being able to spur productivity and innovation of economic actors so that the products produced can compete with other products. In this era of globalization, it demands creative and productive people. Meanwhile, the negative impact is that it can lead to consumerism among the younger generation. So they are unable to meet the demands of the times because they are used to accepting technology and can only buy without making it. Globalization and market liberalism have offered alternatives for achieving a higher standard of living. The widening inequality of income distribution between rich countries and poor countries. The emergence of multinational and transnational companies. Opens up opportunities for the accumulation of wealth and business monopoly and political power to a few people. The emergence of world economic institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, WTO.
c. Impact of Globalization on Culture and Politics
The state is no longer considered a key holder in the development process. Public policymakers in developing countries take developmental paths to address social and economic problems. The emergence of a wave of democratization (the desire for freedom).
4. Aspects of globalization
The development of globalization clearly has an impact on human culture. Many are clearly visible in the changes and shifts in people's lifestyles, namely:
a. Traditional agrarian to modern industrial society
b. Life based on togetherness becomes individualistic life
c. Slow life becomes fast-paced life
d. Life based on social values becomes consumerist becomes a materialist
e. A life that depends on nature becomes a life that dominates nature.
From this example, there are several kinds of influences on people's lives, divided into 2 aspects, namely:
1. Positive aspects
Some positive aspects of technological developments and the flow of globalization
> Fast-paced lifestyle
Technology provides time benefits for the community, for example in agriculture, farmers who initially harvested their rice every 6 months are now able to harvest every 3 months, then in the food sector, there are many ready-to-eat food products (all-instant).
> The Rapid Development of Information and Transformation
The benefits that can be obtained by the community with the development of information are numerous, for example with the internet you can seek knowledge for free and in abundance. In addition, the development of transformation technology is getting faster and more accurate, for example with the existence of airplanes we can travel faster.
> Utilization of Abundant Natural Resources
The utilization of natural resources will provide job opportunities for the community, for example, the utilization of gold resources by PT Freeport in Papua will provide employment opportunities for the Papuan people themselves.
2. Negative aspects
Technological developments also hurt community culture, these impacts are as follows:
> Shifting from an Agrarian Society to a Modern Industrial Society
Many modern industries have an impact on the need for a very large workforce so that people who initially worked as farmers turned to work as factory workers.
> Change from a life based on togetherness to a life of individualism.
This happens because of the busyness of society which is materialistic and forgets about their social life.
> The entry of western culture lifestyle.
The negative impact is the entry of western culture which is contrary to Eastern culture which is simple, polite, and courteous. The phenomenon of children fighting against their parents, students threatening teachers, fights between students, inappropriate clothing models, and the use of women's jewelry by men are deviant behaviors as a negative impact of the era of globalization and the unstoppable flow of information. Selo Sumardjan's opinion is that the rapid cultural changes that followed each other resulted in a prolonged atmosphere. An anomie atmosphere is an atmosphere when people who are undergoing cultural change do not know clearly which cultural values need to be adopted and which ones must be developed.
B. Overview of the Impact of Globalization on Nationalism
1. Definition of Nationalism
Definition of Nationalism. Nationalism is a political attitude of the people of a nation that has the same culture and region as well as the same ideals and goals, thus the people of a nation feel a deep loyalty to the nation itself. Likewise when we talk about nationalism. Nationalism is the soul of the Indonesian nation that will continue to be attached as long as the Indonesian nation still exists. Nationalism is not a narrow understanding, perhaps even richer today. The characteristics of nationalism above can be captured in several definitions of nationalism as follows:
1. Nationalism is love for the homeland, race, language, or shared cultural history.
2. Nationalism is a desire for political independence, safety, and national prestige.
3. Nationalism is a mystical devotion to an obscure, sometimes even supernatural social organism called the nation or the Volk whose unity is superior to its parts.
Nationalism is a dogma that teaches that individuals only live for the nation and the nation for the sake of the nation itself.
2. The Influence of Globalization on the Values of Nationalism of the Nation
The influence of globalization is in the form of positive and negative influences. Delivered:
a. The positive influence of globalization on the values of nationalism
1. Judging from political globalization, the government is run openly and democratically. Because government is part of a country if the government is run honestly, cleanly, and dynamically, it will certainly get a positive response from the people. The positive response in the form of a sense of nationalism towards the country is increasing
2. From the aspect of economic globalization, the opening of international markets, increasing employment opportunities, and increasing the country's foreign exchange. With this, it will improve the economic life of the nation which supports the national life of the nation
3. From socio-cultural globalization, we can imitate good thinking patterns such as a high work ethic and discipline and science and technology from other nations that have advanced to improve the progress of the nation which will ultimately advance the nation and will strengthen our sense of nationalism towards the nation.
b. The negative influence of globalization on the values of nationalism
1. Globalization can convince the Indonesian people that liberalism can bring progress and prosperity. So it is possible to change direction from the ideology of Pancasila to the ideology of liberalism. If this happens, the result will be the loss of the nation's sense of nationalism
2. From the economic aspect of globalization, the loss of love for domestic products due to a large number of foreign products (such as McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Pizza Hut, etc.) has flooded Indonesia. The loss of love for domestic products, it shows symptoms of a reduced sense of nationalism in our society towards the Indonesian nation.
3. Many of our people, especially young people, forget their identity as Indonesian people because their lifestyle tends to imitate western culture which is considered by the world community as a mecca.
4. Resulting in a sharp social gap between rich and poor, due to free competition in economic globalization. This can create a conflict between the rich and the poor which can disrupt the national life of the nation.
A. The Impact of Globalization on Nationalism of the Nation
One of the strong factors that continues to erode Indonesian nationalism is globalization. Globalization is a process of global social order and knows no boundaries. Globalization is essentially a process of ideas that are raised, then offered to be followed by other nations, which eventually comes to a point of mutual agreement and becomes a common guideline for nations around the world. (Edison A. Jamli et al. Citizenship. 2005). Globalization takes place in all areas of life such as the fields of ideology, politics, economy, socio-culture, defense and security, and others. Information and communication technology provides a very important role in the ongoing process of globalization. The presence of globalization certainly has an influence on the life of a country, including Indonesia. Globalization has a positive influence as well as a negative influence, where these influences do not directly affect nationalism. But overall it can cause a sense of nationalism towards the nation to be reduced or lost. Because globalization can open people's views globally. There are positive and negative impacts.
1. The Positive Impact of Globalization on Nationalism
a. Viewed from political globalization
The government is run openly and democratically. Because government is part of a country if the government is run honestly, cleanly, and dynamically, it will certainly get a positive response from the people. The positive response in the form of a sense of nationalism towards the state has increased.
b. From the aspect of economic globalization
The opening of international markets, increasing job opportunities, and increasing the country's foreign exchange. With this, it will improve the economic life of the nation that supports the national life of the nation.
c. From socio-cultural globalization
We can imitate good thinking patterns such as a high and disciplined work ethic and science and technology from other nations that have advanced to improve the progress of the nation which will ultimately advance the nation and will strengthen our sense of nationalism towards the nation.
2. The Negative Impact of Globalization on Nationalism
a. Globalization can give people a view that liberalism can bring good changes to them. So it is possible to change direction from the ideology of Pancasila to the ideology of liberalism. If this happens as a result the sense of nationalism will be lost.
b. From the economic aspect of globalization, the loss of love for domestic products due to a large number of foreign products (such as McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Pizza Hut, etc.) has flooded Indonesia. The loss of love for domestic products, it shows the symptoms of a reduced sense of nationalism in our society towards the Indonesian nation.
c. Many of our people, especially young people, forget their identity as Indonesian people because their lifestyle tends to imitate western culture
d. Resulting in a sharp social gap between rich and poor, due to free competition in economic globalization. If in a community there are only a few individuals who can follow the flow of modernization and globalization, it will deepen the gap between the individual and the stagnant other individuals. This can create a conflict between the rich and the poor which can disrupt the national life of the nation.
e. The emergence of an attitude of individualism that causes indifference between the behavior of fellow citizens. People feel facilitated by advanced technology, making them feel they no longer need other people in their activities. Sometimes they forget that they are social creatures. With individualism, people will not care about the life of the nation and state.
B. The Effect of Globalization on the Value of Nationalism Among the Young Generation
The current globalization has penetrated quickly into society, especially among young people. The influence of globalization on young people is also very strong. The influence of globalization has made many of our young people lose their personalities as Indonesians. This is indicated by the symptoms that appear in the daily lives of young people today. From the way we dress, many of our teenagers dress up like celebrities who tend to Western culture. They wear minimal clothes that reveal body parts that shouldn't be visible. In terms of how to dress, it is clearly not following our culture. Not to forget their hairstyles are painted in various colors. In short, people prefer to be someone else by hiding their identity. Not many teenagers want to preserve the nation's culture by wearing polite clothes according to the nation's personality. Internet technology is a technology that provides unlimited information and can be accessed by anyone. What's more, for young people, the internet has become their daily meal. If used properly, of course we get useful benefits. But if not, we will be at a loss. And now, many students and students are using it inappropriately. For example to open porn sites. It's not just the internet, there's another mandatory grip for them, namely cellphones. Social sense towards the community becomes non-existent because they prefer to be busy using cell phones.
Judging from the attitude, many young people whose behavior does not know manners and tend to be indifferent do not have a sense of caring for the environment. Because globalization embraces freedom and openness so they act as they please. A real example is the existence of a motorcycle gang of young people who commit acts of violence that disturb the peace and comfort of the community. If the above influences are left unchecked, what will happen to the young generation? The morale of the nation's generation is damaged, anarchic actions arise between the young people. Its relationship with the value of nationalism will be reduced because there is no love for the nation's own culture and a sense of caring for the community. Whereas the younger generation is the future successor of the nation. What are the consequences if the nation's future does not have a sense of nationalism? Based on the analysis and description above, the negative effects of globalization outweigh the positive effects. Therefore, steps are needed to anticipate the negative influence of globalization on the value of nationalism.
C. How to Respond to the Negative Impacts of Globalization
At this time, one thing that needs to be addressed by the Indonesian people is the mentality of its citizens. A strong and consistent mental attitude as well as being able to explore oneself is one of the concrete forms needed by the Indonesian nation at this time. Currently, the Indonesian people are experiencing a period of adversity in the international world. The multidimensional crisis coupled with a prolonged economic crisis has caused Indonesia's mental turmoil and decline. The Indonesian nation, which in the past was famous for its exclusive and stunning culture and friendly people, supported by a very strategic geographical condition and blessed with fertile land, has now changed 180 degrees. This can not be separated from the mentality of the very weak supporters.
Globalization is an inevitable process. We cannot ignore and stop the process of globalization. So that the impact of globalization does not damage people's lives, we must know the positive side, so that we can use it in everyday life. The negative impact of globalization can affect our behavior in everyday life. For that, we must be able to determine attitudes in the face of globalization, especially from negative influences. Some examples of attitudes to deal with the negative impacts of globalization, for example:
1. Instilling and practicing the values of Pancasila as well as possible, especially by strengthening our faith in God Almighty.
2. Instill and implement religious teachings as well as possible.
3. Learn diligently to become a useful human being and be able to distinguish right and wrong behavior.
4. Strengthen the sense of national unity and integrity.
5. Fostering a strong spirit of nationalism, for example, the spirit of loving domestic products.
6. Consider every action so as not to harm yourself and others.
7. Spend time with useful activities.
8. Associating with people who have good morals and are not influenced by the environment and bad associations.
9. Realizing the rule of law, implementing and enforcing the law in the truest and fairest sense.
10. Selective towards the influence of globalization in the political, ideological, economic, socio-cultural fields of the nation.
With these anticipatory steps, it is hoped that it will be able to fend off the influence of globalization which can change the value of nationalism to the nation. So that we will not lose the nation's personality.
A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion
Dahlan, Saroji and Asy'ari. 2006. Citizenship Education. Jakarta: Erlangga.–globalisasi-dan-modernisasi . the influence of globalization on Indonesian nationalism.
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