The subjects of this study were fourth-grade students of SD Negeri 005 Sebatik Barat, totaling 28 students with 18 male students and 10 female students. This research was conducted in 2 cycles. The results of the study showed that in student activity in the first cycle the percentage of achievement indicators was observed (63.4%) while in the second cycle the average student activity (86.9%). %) and the average value of the class (83.61) while in Cycle II the student's learning completeness reached 100% and the average value of the class in the second cycle was 93.

Thus, learning that is taught using the Demonstration Method Using Props can improve student activities and student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Demonstration Method, Teaching Aids, Learning Achievement


Basic education as the first level of education in the school system in Indonesia has the aim of providing basic literacy, numeracy, knowledge, and other basic skills.

According to Suherman, et al (1995) in teaching and learning activities teachers must be able to explain concepts to students. This effort can be assisted with teaching aids because with the help of these tools that are in accordance with the topic being taught, concepts will be easier to understand more clearly.

Difficulties in learning mathematics are mainly caused by the special nature of mathematics which has abstract objects that can be said to be "opposite" to the intellectual development of students. Thus, it is easy to understand that there are always difficulties in learning mathematics at any time, therefore efforts to overcome them must and need to be carried out continuously with high patience (Ratini et al, 200).

The difficulty in learning mathematics was found by researchers at SD Negeri 005 West Sebatik. The learning process carried out still shows that mathematics learning is not optimal, teachers teach using conventional methods, namely the lecture method and expect students to sit, be quiet, take notes and memorize (3 DCH) so that teaching and learning activities (KBM) are monotonous and less attractive to students. In addition, teachers are less than optimal in utilizing the media and the use of teaching aids during the learning process.

Based on the results of the observation data obtained, it shows that student learning outcomes in learning mathematics on the subject of flat shapes in class IV semester 1 SD Negeri 005 Sebatik Barat have a very low score of 28 students, only 8 students (33.33%) who achieve the minimum completeness criteria ( 3KKM) which has been determined is 60, while 20 students who have not completed (66,67) mean that student learning outcomes individually and classically in this material have not succeeded because classical learning completeness has only reached 33.33%.

The background of the problem above encourages researchers to be able to make a positive contribution to improving student learning outcomes at SD Negeri 005 Sebatik Barat through the use of teaching aids so that it is expected to increase student interest in learning. Students will be happy to be interested and have a positive attitude towards learning Mathematics so that with this learning students are able to achieve optimal learning goals.

Learning is an activity Learning is a processing activity and is a very fundamental element in every level of education. In the whole educational process, learning activities are the most basic and important activities in the whole educational process.

Learning is a process or effort made by each individual to obtain a change in behavior both in the form of knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes and values as an experience to get a number of impressions from the material that has been studied. There are learning activities carried out at school, at home, and in other places such as in museums, in laboratories, in the forest, and anywhere else. Learning is a complex student action and behavior. As an action, learning is only experienced by students themselves and will be a determinant of whether or not the learning process occurs.

According to Vernon S. Gerlach & Donal P. Ely ( in Faisal, 2013) suggests that "learning is a change in behavior, while the behavior is an observable action. In other words, behavior is an observable action or result caused by an observable action or several actions.

Meanwhile, according to Gagne (in Fasial, 2013 ) learning is defined as " a process in which an organism changes its behavior due to an experience". Slameto ( in Faisal, 2013 ) states learning is "a business process carried out by a person to obtain a new behavior change as a whole, as a result of his own experience in interaction with his environment".

Furthermore, Abdillah ( in Faisal, 2013 ) concluded that "learning is a conscious effort made by individuals in changing behavior either through training and experience involving cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects to obtain certain goals".

Thus it can be concluded that learning is a change in the behavior of individuals who learn. The change is not only related to the addition of knowledge, but also in the form of skills, skills, attitudes, understanding, self-esteem, interests, character, adjustment. So, it can be said that learning is a series of physical and mental activities that lead to the development of the whole human person.

Mathematics learning will be meaningful for students if students are active in various ways to construct or build their own knowledge. Thus a formula, concept, or principle in mathematics, should be rediscovered by students under the guidance of the teacher. In particular, the problem-solving approach is the focus of learning mathematics. In every opportunity, learning mathematics begins with the introduction of problems that are appropriate to the situation ( cotextual problems).

According to Estiningsih (in Kartika, 2012) teaching aids are learning media that contain or present the characteristics of the concepts being studied. Teaching aids are one of the components that determine the effectiveness of learning. Teaching aids change abstract teaching materials into concrete and realistic ones. The provision of teaching aids is part of meeting the needs of students in learning, according to the type of student learning. For example blackboards, notebooks, and rectangular doors can serve as teaching aids when the teacher explains geometric shapes in rectangles. The main function of teaching aids is to reduce the abstraction of concepts so that children are able to capture the true meaning of the concepts being studied. By seeing, feeling, and manipulating props, children have real-life experiences about the meaning of concepts. Meanwhile, facilities are learning media whose main function is as a tool for learning. By using these facilities, it is expected to facilitate learning. Examples: blackboard, compass, ruler, assignment sheet (LT), worksheet (LK), and game tools.

Learning to use visual aids means optimizing the function of all five senses of students to increase the effectiveness of students learning by hearing, seeing, touching, and using their minds logically and realistically.

Teaching aids are used in learning Mathematics by applying the demonstration method using teaching aids.


This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). PTK was first used by Kurt Kewin. CAR is one of the strategic ways for teachers to improve educational services that must be carried out in the context of classroom learning and improving the quality of school programs as a whole. This can be done considering the purpose of classroom action research is to improve and improve classroom learning practices on an ongoing basis. research subjects in this study were fourth-grade students at SDN 005 Sebatik Barat for the 2016/2017 academic year which amounts to 2 8 students, consisting of 18 male students and 10 female students.

The research will be conducted at SDN 005 Sebatik Barat, RT 0 2 Mantikas, Setabu Village. This classroom action research will be carried out in the fourth semester of Mathematics learning in the first semester of the 2016/2017 academic year.

The research instruments used are for the following reasons. 1). The test consists of a final test. The final test was carried out after the auction, the aim was to determine the cognitive abilities of students after following the learning process. The results of the final test of the cycle are then analyzed and reflected for improvement actions. 2). The observation sheet is the format of the student activity observation sheet arranged based on the implementation of mathematics learning activities contained in the lesson plan. This is intended to observe student activities in the form of personal skills or activities and the role of students during the learning process. Observations were carried out by the teacher and assisted by the observer.

The application of the demonstration method using teaching aids can improve student learning achievement in the material of Number Operations for fourth-grade students at SDN 005 Sebatik Barat with the following indicators. 1). Student activity in learning Mathematics increased with good criteria. 2). The learning completeness of fourth-grade students at SDN 005 Sebatik Barat classically reaches 85 % and individual learning completeness is 70.


Student learning outcomes with the subject matter of Measuring Angle with Non-Standard Units, and the subject of Measuring Angle with Standard Units, ended with an evaluation. During the learning process, the researcher collected data which was then analyzed. Research data is obtained in the form of observations of student activities and student learning outcomes. Observational data is taken from student activity which is used to determine student activity in learning by using the demonstration method using teaching aids. Results a test to determine the increase in student achievement after the action of learning is carried out using the demonstration method using teaching aids.

Implementation of Class Action Cycle I was held on 19 and 21 September 2016 with a total of 28 students. The teaching and learning process refers to the lesson plans that have been prepared. Observation (observation) is carried out simultaneously with the implementation of teaching and learning.

In this cycle, the researcher acts as a teacher and is assisted by colleagues as observers. At the end of the teaching and learning process students are given evaluation questions with the aim of knowing the level of student success in the teaching and learning process that has been carried out.

The observation stage is carried out simultaneously with the implementation of the action. At this stage, the researcher was assisted by colleagues to observe the course of the first cycle of activities. There were two observational data obtained through the first cycle of observations, namely: 1). The results of observations about student activities., 2). Analysis of student evaluation results

Based on the observations, there were 18 students who got a score of 85-100 or 64.3% students got a score with very good criteria, 4 students got a score of 70-84 or 14.3% got a score with good criteria. Meanwhile, students whose grades do not meet the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) are 6 students or 21.4%, thus classical learning completeness in the cycle has not been achieved in accordance with what has been set, namely 85%.

In the implementation of teaching and learning activities, information is obtained from the observations as follows: 1) Student activity is still lacking in participating in learning, 2) Students are still afraid to ask questions during learning activities, 3) Students are still hesitant to answer the teacher's questions, 4) Complete learning classically only reached 78.57%. Based on the results of the reflection, the researcher was still not satisfied with the results obtained in the first cycle. Therefore, the researchers continued the research to the second cycle.

Implementation of Class Action Cycle 2 was held on 26 and 28 September 2016 in class IV with a total of 28 students. The teaching and learning process refers to the lesson plan implementation by paying attention to the results of the reflection in the first cycle, so that mistakes or deficiencies in the first cycle do not occur again in the second cycle. Observation (observation) is carried out simultaneously with the implementation of teaching and learning.

The observation stage is carried out simultaneously with the implementation of the action. At this stage, the researcher was assisted by colleagues as observers who were in charge of observing the activities of cycle II. There are two observational data obtained through observation cycle II, namely: 1). Analysis of student evaluation results, 2). The results of observations about student activities.

In the teaching and learning activities in cycle II which were carried out by the teacher by applying to learn using the demonstration method using visual aids, the students received quite a good response, this can be seen from the increasing percentage of achievement of the five indicators observed.

Based on the observations in the second cycle, it is known that there are 25 students who get a score of 85-100 or 89.3% of students gets a score with very good criteria, 3 students get a score of 70-84 or 10.7% gets a score with good criteria. Mastery learning classically in the second cycle reached 100%, thus the research objectives have been achieved in the second cycle.

At this stage, what has been done well in the teaching and learning process can be described as follows: 1) During the teaching and learning process it has been carried out well, 2) Based on the data from the observation of student activities, it is known that students are active during the learning process, 3) Disadvantages in the previous cycles there have been improvements and improvements so that it becomes better, 4) Student learning outcomes have increased quite significantly from cycle I to cycle II.

Based on the results of descriptive data analysis, the implementation of the demonstration method using teaching aids showed an increase in student activity and an increase in student learning outcomes. In accordance with the formulation of the problem, and based on the results of data collection and data analysis, two things can be discussed, namely: 1) Increasing student activity in cycle I and cycle II, and 2) Increasing student learning outcomes in cycle I and cycle II.

The average percentage of student activity achievement in the first cycle was 76%, then in the second cycle, it increased to 90%. Thus it can be concluded that the use of the demonstration method using teaching aids can increase student activity in learning mathematics.

Based on the results of data analysis cycle I and cycle II, it is known that there is an increase in student learning outcomes explained that learning Mathematics with the demonstration method using teaching aids can improve student learning outcomes. We can see this from student learning outcomes which have increased from cycle I to cycle II. In the first cycle, students who scored 85-100 were 18 students, then in the second cycle, they increased to 25 students. Students who scored 70-84 in the first cycle were 4 students than in the second cycle it decreased to 3 students, students whose scores had not reached the KKM in the first cycle were 6 students then in the second cycle all students had reached the KKM or completed 100%. The average value of the class in the first cycle was 83.61 then in the second cycle, it increased to 93 or increased by 9.4 points.


Based on the results of the research that has been presented for two cycles, the results of all the discussions and analyzes that have been carried out can be concluded as follows: The application of the demonstration method using teaching aids in learning mathematics can improve the learning achievement of fourth-grade students at SDN 005 Sebatik Barat. The application of the demonstration method using teaching aids in mathematics learning can increase the learning activities of fourth-grade students at SDN 005 Sebatik Barat.


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