Applying The Concept Of Multiple Intellegence In Indonesian Learning Class IV at SDN 001 Sebatik Utara Abstract, Improving students' understanding in Indonesian Class IV lessons at SDN 001 Sebatik Utara, Supervised: Roby Zulkarnain Noer, M.Pd. besides that, Supervisor 2: Arsah, S.Pd. This study has a purpose, namely to increase the understanding of fourth-grade students of SD Negeri 001 Sebatik Utara, North Sebatik District, Nunukan Regency towards Indonesian language lessons by using the concept of multiple intelligences. Achievement of learning success needs to be done to improve the quality and quality of students. This classroom action research intends to solve problems that occur in learning, the use of the discussion method aims to provide a little stimulus to students to be proficient in issuing opinions, answers, ideas, ideas, and questions. The results of the implementation of this study surprised educators, learning improvements were carried out in two cycles of improvement. in Cycle I, it gave an increase of 60% which was initially in the Pre-cycle, the student's completeness was only 25%. This gives encouragement to educators. Improvements in cycle II experienced a very drastic increase with a percentage of 90%, meaning that from 25 students who took lessons with reference to the KKM for Indonesian lessons, 70 gave satisfactory results for educators. The results of the improvements that have been carried out can be concluded that improving learning in two cycles using the Multiple Intelligence Concept can improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Multiple Intelligence Concept Introduction

The learning process that takes place in class IV at SDN 001 Sebatik Utara, totaling 24 students, consisting of 13 boys and 11 girls, in Indonesian subjects with children's rhymes material. Students are expected to express their thoughts, feelings, and information written on paper to become a children's rhyme. In the learning process in the classroom, there are students who are playing with their seatmates, there are also students who are silent and look down like drowsiness (lack of enthusiasm) in the classroom without paying attention to the teacher's explanation. This can have a bad impact on the classroom because it can damage the learning process. Indirectly other students can be infected with students' conditions like this, so more serious action is needed regarding this.

Indonesian is basically the most boring subject for students, it is undeniable from several similar cases that Indonesian language lessons are less attractive to students even though the subject is one of the subjects in the National Examination (UN). From the last evaluation before conducting research on fourth-grade students of SDN 001 Sebatik Utara, it was shown that the Indonesian language lessons of 24 students, 10 of them were still below the KKM standard. The lack of student interest in Indonesian lessons is caused by several factors, based on the author's observations on April 27, 2017, there are several factors, namely: (1) the method used by the teacher is not suitable for the material being taught; (2) the teacher is too monotonous in the book without using learning media; (3) the lack of involving students in a case study in Indonesian lessons; and much more. Some of the factors above are very clear that there are still many students who have problems with learning Indonesian. This will get worse if not handled immediately so that during exams, daily tests, etc., will fail. The impact caused by this is the low student learning outcomes

expected to express their thoughts, feelings, and information written on paper to become a children's rhyme. In the learning process in the classroom, there are students who are playing with their seatmates, there are also students who are silent and look down like drowsiness (lack of enthusiasm) in the classroom without paying attention to the teacher's explanation. This can have a bad impact on the classroom because it can damage the learning process. Indirectly other students can be infected with students' conditions like this, so more serious action is needed regarding this.

Indonesian is basically the most boring subject for students, it is undeniable from several similar cases that Indonesian language lessons are less attractive to students even though the subject is one of the subjects in the National Examination (UN). From the last evaluation before conducting research on fourth-grade students of SDN 001 Sebatik Utara, it was shown that the Indonesian language lessons of 24 students, 10 of them were still below the KKM standard. The lack of student interest in Indonesian lessons is caused by several factors, based on the author's observations on April 27, 2017, there are several factors, namely: (1) the method used by the teacher is not suitable for the material being taught; (2) the teacher is too monotonous in the book without using learning media; (3) the lack of involving students in a case study in Indonesian lessons; and much more. Some of the factors above are very clear that there are still many students who have problems with learning Indonesian. This will get worse if not handled immediately so that during exams, daily tests, etc., will fail. The impact caused by this is the low student learning outcomes.

From the observations made, it is necessary to conduct Classroom Action Research to fix problems in Indonesian language lessons. Early improvement is needed before going further, it is necessary to revise the teacher before carrying out learning in the classroom. Prepare materials and their presentation in the classroom and the selection of methods, strategies, and approaches to learning must be appropriate. In order to prevent unwanted things in learning.

Multiple Intelligence Theory states that intelligence includes eight intellectual abilities. According to (Gardner, 1983) that intellectual abilities as measured by IQ tests are very limited because IQ tests only emphasize logical (mathematical) and language abilities. Therefore, the teacher as the teacher who is responsible for the learning process in the classroom should be a facilitator to provide support and encouragement to students in order to achieve intelligence in accordance with the student's condition. However, many teachers in the classical education paradigm ignore their obligations to grow the intelligence potential of their students. From the explanation above, the problem formulation can be determined as follows:

  • How to improve the learning outcomes of fourth-graders at SDN 001 Sebatik Utara towards the concept of Multiple Intelligence through children's rhymes ?
  • How to increase the learning motivation of fourth-graders at SDN 001 Sebatik Utara in Indonesian lessons with children's rhymes material through the concept of Multiple Intelligence?
In accordance with the formulation of the problem above, it can also provide the following learning improvement objectives:

  • Describe the improvement of student learning outcomes at SDN 001 Sebatik Utara towards the concept of multiple intelligence.
  • Describes how to increase students' learning motivation at SDN 001 Sebatik Utara in Indonesian subjects with children's rhymes material through the concept of Multiple Intelligence.
This research is expected to provide benefits to:
 a. For student

Increase insight, knowledge, and intelligence in various aspects. Foster a sense of togetherness and mutual respect for each other's work by applying the concept of multiple intelligences through children's rhymes.

b. For Teachers

Adding insight and knowledge about the use and application of the concept of multiple intelligence in Indonesian language learning with children's rhymes material, so that they are able to implement it in its implementation.

c. For School

A material or asset in enriching the learning process in the classroom, both learning related to Indonesian language subject matter or other lessons.

d. For Institutes of Education in General

As a reference for future educational programs in order to provide encouragement and motivation to teachers or educators to always explore their potential in teaching, both from within and from outside. So that something new is born, which can be applied in the learning process in any area without being hindered by various shortcomings in the class. Both facilities and infrastructure.

Rohani (2004:4) reveals that learning is a process of mastering teaching objectives, learning is an activity (process) of teaching and learning that involves two subjects, namely teachers and students. Learning is a combination of two activities, namely teaching activities carried out by teachers and learning activities carried out by students. Another opinion from Hamalik (2005:77) is that learning is a structured communication that includes human elements, materials, facilities, equipment, and procedures that influence each other in order to achieve learning objectives.

Sanjaya (2011: 13-14) that learning is a complex system whose success can be seen from two aspects, namely product aspects and process aspects. The success of learning seen from the product side is the success of students regarding the results obtained by ignoring the learning process. The success of learning in terms of results is easy to see and the criteria are determined, but this can reduce the meaning of the learning process as a process that contains educational values. Meanwhile, according to Komalasari (2013: 3) learning is a system or process of learning for learners that are planned, implemented, and evaluated systematically so that learners can achieve learning goals effectively and efficiently.

Sanjaya (2011: 13-14) that learning is a complex system whose success can be seen from two aspects, namely product aspects and process aspects. The success of learning seen from the product side is the success of students regarding the results obtained by ignoring the learning process. The success of learning in terms of results is easy to see and the criteria are determined, but this can reduce the meaning of the learning process as a process that contains educational values. Meanwhile, according to Komalasari (2013: 3) learning is a system or process of learning for learners that are planned, implemented, and evaluated systematically so that learners can achieve learning goals effectively and efficiently.

According to Edward M. Anthony defines technique is a way of strategy or tactics used by teachers to achieve maximum results when teaching in certain parts of the lesson.

According to Kamaruddin Hj. Husin & Siti Hajar Hj. Abdul Aziz in his book Pengjian Melayu III: Technique can be defined as the control of an organization that actually applies in teaching that is used to achieve an objective.

The technique is literally defined as the way in which a person applies and practices a method.

In other words, the technique is a tool used by teachers to deliver teaching materials that have been selected for students. The technique chosen must be in accordance with the lessons used and in tune with the approach used.

Learning objectives are one aspect that needs to be considered in planning learning. Because all learning activities lead to the achievement of these goals. Judging from its history, the purpose of learning was first introduced by BF Skinner in 1950 which he applied in behavioral science (behavioral science) with a view to improving the quality of learning.

According to Winkel, Learning is all mental or psychic activities that take place in active interactions in the environment, which result in changes in the management of understanding. According to Ernest R. Hilgard (in Sumardi Suryabrata, 1984:252) study is a process of action that is carried out intentionally, which then causes changes, which are different from the changes caused by others. The nature of the change is relatively permanent, it will not return to its original state. Cannot be applied to changes due to temporary situations, such as changes due to fatigue, illness, drunkenness, and so on.

Moh. Surya (1981:32), the definition of learning is a process of effort by individuals to obtain a whole new behavior change, as a result of the experience of the individual himself in his interaction with the environment. The conclusion that can be drawn from the two understandings above is that in principle, learning is a change from one's self.

The theory of Multiple Intelligences or multiple intelligences was introduced by Howard Gardner, who is an educational psychologist from England. This theory arises because it seems that the classical intelligence theory which only refers to logic and language is not able to accommodate the many varieties of intelligence that each student has specifically. This means that the classical learning process is considered less successful in educating students in accordance with the objectives of achieving an expected educational process.

The basis of this research stems from the fact that graduates who have high intellectual intelligence (IQ) will not automatically succeed in real life. Because in real life there are many things that require completion using other aspects of intelligence, not only intellectual intelligence (IQ). By using the Multiple Intelligences Checklist for Adult (MICA) instrument which consists of 49 points from seven aspects of multiple intelligences, namely (1) Verbal Linguistics (VL), (2) Mathematical Logic (LM), (3) Visual-Space (VR), (4) Body Kinesthetic (KB), (5) Music (MZ), (6) Interpersonal (IE), (7) Intrapersonal (IA), and (8) Naturalist (NA). This is basically tested on educators, the result is that the educators show aspects of the association (intrapersonal) that are more prominent than other aspects. This is supported by visual-spatial aspects that support the occurrence of intrapersonal aspects as much as 55%.

The implementation of the Multiple Intelligence System (MIS) has several stages in the work process of this system, including The first thing that needs to be done is an improvement from within, namely from the school concerned. Must conduct a detailed evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the school before implementing the MIS method, before applying the MIS method, it is necessary to make fundamental improvements to the school concerned, it will not have the maximum impact or result as expected.

The second entered the stage of reform. That is, schools that are left behind will have a bad impact because the school will not progress, it could be that the community is also less accepting because of the name, facilities, infrastructure, location, etc. It will give a bad picture in the minds of the people. It will be an obstacle to the progress of the school. School reform can occur in several ways are carried out, namely changing the name of the existing school with another name that is simpler, attractive and easy to remember for the community, changing the appearance of the school to a newer and fresher one in order to give an impression in the minds of the community, and lastly is to move the location of the school in order to provide a new atmosphere to support the change efforts that will be carried out.

Third, the arrangement and concept of MIS in the school structure have been improved, so the results of using the new MIS will show results. So the most important factor in Multiple Intelligences is the responsibility of educational institutions.

Multiple intelligence-based learning applies two tests to students. The first is the Multiple Intelligence Research (MIR) test to determine the intelligence aspects possessed by each student when formulating learning plans in the classroom. The second is an evaluation at the end of the learning process series to see the results of a more comprehensive implementation of the learning process.

If it is formulated in a mathematical relationship, it can be written that the multiple intelligence-based learning methods must have a good relationship between teachers and students as follows:

Learner's Learning Style + Teacher's Teaching Style = Learning Formula

For multiple intelligence learning, it has a percentage in the allocation of time, that is, 70% is time for students, while 30% is time for teachers to provide direction to students.


The subjects of this study were fourth-grade students at SD Negeri 001 Sebatik Utara, Kec. North Sebatik, Kab. Nunukan totaled 24 students with details that 10 male students and 14 female students. SD Negeri 001 Sebatik Utara has 10 classrooms with 20 study groups, the conditions in the class are quite interesting because the room has a concrete texture or a permanent building with a class area of 56 m 2 . It provides little comfort for students and teachers to do learning. The walls are filled with decorations made of paper and cardboard containing materials about the lessons given earlier. This school is located on the edge of Jalan Poros in Sei Village. Stake. This school is located at Jl. H. Beddu Rahim, RT. 08 Sei Village. Stake, District. North Sebatik, Kab. Nunukan. Located in front of the gate or entrance to the Koramil dormitory.

The research was conducted in two cycles consisting of the cycle I and cycle II, this study took two weeks with the following details:

Cycle I was held on May 2, 2017, at SD Negeri 001 Sebatik Utara with a description of the number of students 24 people, 10 boys, and 14 girls.

Cycle II was held on May 15, 2017, at SD Negeri 001 Sebatik Utara with a description of the number of students 24 people, 10 boys, and 14 girls.

This research design is a classroom action research design that covers the scope of the class. Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a variety of research on classroom contextual learning carried out by teachers to solve learning problems faced by teachers, improve the quality and learning outcomes and try new things in learning for the sake of improving the quality and learning outcomes. The following is an image of the classroom action research design below.

Data collection in this study was carried out using two ways, namely as follows:

Result of observation sheet

In conducting this research, it was carried out using technical analysis with the results of observations made by the author in the following way:

Written test results

The results of the written test were analyzed by the level of students' understanding of the Social Science lesson using the discussion method. The researcher summed the scores obtained by the students, which was then divided by the number of students in the class so that the average test was obtained which could be formulated:


The percentage of improvement results of students who have completed learning has not increased in the first cycle with a percentage of 35% complete which is equivalent to 8 students and 65% incomplete which is equivalent to 16 students (out of a total of 24 students). Student learning outcomes can be seen increasing after improving learning in cycle II, students who complete learning with a percentage of 90% or equivalent to 22 students and do not complete learning with a percentage of 10% or equivalent to 2 students (out of a total of 24 students), Graph of student percentage complete and incomplete are listed below.

The details on the graph with percentages can be described by the number of completeness in numbers according to the percentage of completeness. In the first cycle, there were 35% complete with details of 8 students, and 65% incomplete with details of 16 students. After making improvements to learning with cycle II there are 90% complete with details of 22 students, and 10% incomplete with details of 2 students, while the following descriptions per cycle will be discussed regarding the implementation.

The classroom action research that the author conducted in grade IV SD Negeri 001 Sebatik Utara has shown positive success seen from the test results shown by students, namely by comparing the learning test results in cycle I with cycle II, all of which increased in the subject of Pantun Anak.

In the improvement of learning which was carried out in two cycles in Indonesian class IV subjects with children's pantun material using the Multiple Intelligence Concept, the results showed satisfactory results. In the first cycle, only 35% (8 students) have got a complete score

Teachers only teach with the old pattern, so that children get bored easily and feel bored, not enthusiastic about learning, and teachers do not condition students to be physically and psychologically ready. To improve student learning outcomes, students must really learn comprehensively, such as the opinion of Bell-Gredler (1986: 1) which states that learning is a process carried out by humans to get a variety of competencies, skills, and attitudes.

By applying the concept of multiple intelligences in the first cycle, it turns out that student achievement increases. Students dare to ask and answer questions and issue ideas or ideas. This activity can occur because of the application of the concept of multiple intelligence.

After the implementation of multiple intelligences in learning Indonesian in the first cycle, student learning outcomes began to increase when compared to learning before doing research. Based on the learning outcomes in the first cycle, the author tries to improve and optimize the use of the concept of multiple intelligences in improving learning cycle II.

By applying the concept of multiple intelligence appropriately and empowering students in the learning process optimally, such as providing opportunities to ask questions, answer questions, express opinions and ideas, and use appropriate learning media, can improve student learning outcomes and student activity in the learning process.

So it can be concluded simply that learning media is a means to channel messages or information from teachers to students or vice versa. The use of learning media will allow the learning process to occur in students and can be used to increase the effectiveness of learning activities.

learning process in students and can be used to increase the effectiveness of learning activities.

After carrying out learning improvement activities carried out at SD Negeri 001 Sebatik Utara, Kec. North Sebatik, Kab. The prediction of students' lack of understanding in Indonesian language lessons with the subject matter of Children's Pantun using the Multiple Intelligence Concept, then through two cycles of learning improvement so that students who get scores that are less successful show their knowledge ability in understanding the questions given by the teacher.

This shows that with the implementation of learning improvements using the concept of multiple intelligence. Making the teacher able to reflect on himself so that the material in the classroom can be done correctly, when giving an explanation it is not too fast and the teacher is also able to give concrete examples so that it is easily understood by students. In addition, the teacher must also be good at choosing the right teaching method and the teacher is also pleased to provide opportunities for students to ask questions.

Based on these conclusions, there are several things that must be considered by teachers in improving the quality of student learning, namely:

In providing subject matter, students should involve students to express their opinions according to the understanding possessed by these students.

When giving an explanation, don't be too quick and don't forget to use language that is easy for students to understand.

The teacher should ask questions and also provide opportunities to ask students.

Teachers should pay attention to student behavior during learning.

The teacher must avoid repeating words, so that students do not follow what the teacher says

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